Soft and Breathable Insole?

Goodyear welted shoes normally use vegetable tanned leather as the insole. The benefit is that the forefoot has better air permeability, which is the embodiment of the hygroscopicity of vegetable tanned leather. What’s the downside? Vegetable tanned leather is relatively hard, especially true for new shoes, so many people who are new to Goodyear welted


一般提到分裂头,似乎默认都会想到分裂头德比,这要归公于Edward Green的经典款式Dover。事实上我很好奇,Dover是哪一年推出的款式,因为这个鞋子在英国的德比里,可能是极为正式的,而在正式鞋子里,又是偏休闲的,一般这种跨界的东西,我都认为不会太久远,应该是符合社会风潮而来的。 Post Views: 756