An Interview with Vietnamese bespoke shoemaker Lee Trung, aka Ichigoichie Shoemaker

Lee Trung, the Vietnamese bespoke shoemaker, aka Ichigoichie Shoemaker was introduced to me by Instagram KOL Thunder_March, except his shoes are finely made, the artful expression is also impressive. There are several rising Vietnamese bespoke shoemakers, and I feel Lee Trung is very understated but truly enjoying the crafts itself. It is a great honour

My Shoe Collection – 910 from Carmina

Carmina has been the most important player at the middle range price point for years. It is Carmina who started the contest with English shoemakers and I guess the target was Crockett & Jones telling from the price. At a lower position, Carmina offered closed channel construction and Jon Rendenbach leather sole which were regarded

Foster & Son开箱

Foster & Son是英国伦敦西区著名的定制鞋店。我们今天也许认为定制鞋店多如牛毛,但是真的去看英国这个鞋都的时候,我们发现,数来数去,并不多。John Lobb St James,George Cleverley,然后就到Foster & Son了。男装店New & Lingwood曾经也是一个不可小觑的势力,现在虽然还提供定制服务,但基本都是外包了。和中国有一定关联的James Taylor & Son也是一家正经的定制鞋店,但是后来更关注于足部矫正这方面。更早消失的比如Poulsen Skone & Co并入Peal & Co然后又被布克兄弟雪藏的,也无需多言。最近出现的品牌(非个人鞋匠)自然是Gaziano & Girling。但是与前面几家不同的是,Gaziano & Girling的成鞋业务才是主体。 Post Views: 1,108

Unboxing Swan 7905 from Carlos Santos

This model was actually co-developed by Carlos Santos and Swedish select shoe shop Skoaktiebolaget. Skoaktiebolaget is the first shop carrying Carlos Santos and fairly speaking, without Skoaktiebolaget, Carlos Santos cannot get the momentum in shoe enthusiast commnutiy. They released 4 models if I don’t remember wrong, and this one is my favorite. Let us have