This pair of double monks were unboxed once, however that one sits on a square toe last and made of rustical grey museum calf, this one sits on a much loved last, let us have a look this pair of James from Belgian shoe brand Sons of Henrey. Post Views: 2,477
Author: FU Pei
刘总是北京的玩家,浪迹于多个群中,因为扫货特别猛(我借他的鞋子,开箱过Foster & Son的自有工厂成鞋),得名刘半墙。不是说他的鞋子堆满半堵墙,是指他买一次鞋子,就堆满半堵墙。然后,又因为对Foster & Son情有独钟,使得Foster & Son出来的日本定制女鞋匠,松田笑子(的鞋子),也是刘总觊觎之物。 相识这么久,也和很多同好聊了这么久,相信大家对Resmon的一定有些好奇,正好借此机会,请刘总赏光。 这是消费者专访的一期。 Post Views: 1,118
This pair is from Medallion Collection, which is the cooperation between Antonio Meccariello and Chinese shoe boutique Medallion. Antonio Meccariello is highly praised by shoe aficionados around the world for its great value. Let us have a look at this pair. Post Views: 855
Brio应该算是中国最先锋的意式买手店,而主理人饺子王(George Wang)也是华人界,最有国际知名度的经典男装Icon之一。很多国际知名的裁缝在中国办Trunk Show,都会落脚在Brio。Brio在中国的媒体报道上,反而没有国际上的多,我是在Die Workwear博客上读到Brio开出了自己的工坊,名字为Atelier Brio Pechino。 Post Views: 1,160
大家应该记得我开箱过几双特吕弗的鞋子了,但每一双,我都原封不动的发回品牌方了。为什么呢?我和品牌方也说的很直白,鞋子不喜欢。你楦型搞意大利味道的,鞋子再来个擦色,这搞得我很尴尬啊。但是人家也说,真心希望你体验一下我们的鞋子。那我自己到他们天猫去看一下吧。 Post Views: 1,408
Eric Fan是一位北京的经典男装爱好者,如果说他有什么特别或者叫代表性的话,应该是他任职于金融机构。因为真正有经典男装,或者说西服着装需求的,世界范围内,都集中于法律和金融行业。我知道很多人喜欢调侃穿西服的是房产中介和卖保险的,但有一点不假,经常穿的人,更有可能去琢磨怎么穿(比周围都穿的人)好看。 一起来听听他在这个爱好上的历程。 这是消费者访谈的一期。 Post Views: 796
产品很重要,但我觉得故事可能更有乐趣,也更容易让人找到共鸣。我代理的四个皮鞋品牌,以字母顺序,Carlos Santos,J.FitzPatrick,Maftei和Sons of Henrey,与任何品牌一样,都有其创始的经历。 Post Views: 1,058
Last November I had a long discussion with Ray Kwok, the founder of eponymous brand, his concept is very simple, “men love specifications”, so his products have the highest specifications with lowest price. Post Views: 1,987
Maftei is an Austrian bespoke shoemaker who has a lot of followers and customer in middle Europe such as domestic and Germany, in the meantime, Nordic is a big base. Not to mention people around the world who visit Vienna would love to try his service. But from the shoes themselves, what makes Maftei famous?
Pei is my name and this model is named by me. Maftei is a purely bespoke shoemaker and it has no model name at all, but when I introduced this shoemaking to Chinese shoe aficionados, name is important as they can memorize the model. More interestingly the last was also named Pei, so this model