There is a saying, almost recognized by everyone, that China has no good leather, if you want good leather, you can only buy European ones. But even if I buy the same collections from same European tanneries, the quality we got is not as good as the European shoe factories got. I wonder, is there
I have written many times about how I started selling shoes. Because I blog, I learn about the products of various brands globally. Some brands make me very excited, and naturally I want to buy. Buying oversea is not strange to me, nor do I feel troublesome, but because of the matter of writing things,
一家不太为皮鞋爱好者所知的法国皮革长,但是和它并列的,法国仅存的5家专注于小牛皮的另外四家,大家基本都听说和熟悉了,分别是Annonay,Du Puy,Degermann和Haas。和这四家都被大集团收购了一样,Tanneries Roux也在2012年被LVMH收购。 Post Views: 878
I have contacted many custom suit stores in China, and only carried out in-depth exchanges and publicity on whose products as the core competitiveness, but even in such a small circle, different stores tried to guide me on promotion content and direction. This is easy to understand, even if they are all making great products,
The season of loafers, even who wears Oxford like me is attracted by them. I know that Loafers are the favorite of Chinese men, whether it is the stupid kick-in for those who don’t know shoes at all, or the ones donned by barefoot of influencers, they are all the most sold styles. Post Views:
For those who fancy dress shoes, the name Anzheluo must be heard. Because it is the first domestic one who can provide Lasted Shoe Tree. This shoe tree can better maintain the shape of the shoe and will not push the leather out in some places. When some foreign shoe brands provide such shoe tree,
If Wuhan is the best shopping city for gentlemen, how about Shanghai? Can Wuhan’s gentry consumption atmosphere be stronger than Shanghai’s? Not really, but if you’ve been to Galleria Privata, you feel that Wuhan is really wonderful. Post Views: 730
Japanese shoemakers have the best international reputation nowadays. Among so many shoemakers, Hiroyuki Yanagimachi is a pioneer. His brand is Hiro Yanagimachi and his studio is Hiro Yanagimachi Workshop. Post Views: 3,659
These shoes weren’t really my specification because I asked Mr. Maftei to make the shoes he wanted to make for me. The result is the last and craftsmanship are so satisfying, while the colour is a little bit out of control. Let us check it out. Post Views: 1,656
When it comes to dress shoes, most people think that these shoes are too boring, if it is not required by company to wear it, nobody will wear it. Check brands in the mall, no matter cheap or expensive, the appearance of the shoes is not much different, black lace up and brown loafer. Post