
注:这是一位到世界各地亲身体验过各风格的大佬的体会,发表于此,并非寻求交流,而为正本溯源。网上论断很多,但许多,譬如我,无非是拾人牙慧、断章取义。看看真正有体会和见解的文字,也许对我们追求美与和谐,有些帮助。 上次胡扯了一下那不勒斯风格与英式风格,这次按纬度顺序来侃侃佛罗伦萨。 Post Views: 457

My Shoe Collection, StefanoBi

I have introduced this brand, which was founded by Stefano Branchini then sold to LVMH group to make Louis Vuitton and Berluti shoes. For some period, StefanoBi brand existed while the factory made shoes for the other two. Style wise StefanoBi is very close to Berluti, great patina with daring design. Post Views: 2,976